bodies break down
decomposing tree | joshua tree, ca. x unco dan
bodies break down.
decomposition is a consequence of over-affection, not being able to sustain the great number of ways in which one is affected.
in binary terms, it is the effect of processes that are unconscious. a cancer can fester for years in the body before it is perceivable by the mind, or other instruments of observation. because we are affected by a great number of phenomena that we are not conscious of, our bodies crack before our minds perceive it.
the point at which a body breaks is where a crack first appears. this initial crack is a universal sign of unsustainability, that a thing is starting to bend under pressure, that it can take no it cracks.
so long as the conditions in which a body becomes cracked remains the same, the crack will only increase until it is a full-on break. this break occurs once a body reaches a state of being catatonic, or when maximum inertia is reached. when a body's energy is no longer able to flow and empower movements, and as a consequence, no longer able to make connections with other bodies, this is when a body is ripe for breakage. inertia leads to unsustainability.
such is the consequence and also the joy of life. to be able to decompose...what a thrill! to be affected in so many ways that one cannot sustain the surplus of energy.
but, being overly affected to the point of freezing one’s system is no thrill. one can be so active and too empowered, that it leads to a crash. yet, it is no more the fault of external influences than it is one's own inability to adequately understand the ways in which one is affected. it is not a function of the mind to detect when the body is past a threshold of affectivity. it is for the mind to acquiesce to the body prior to the crack. such is the challenge of sustainability– understanding a body’s limits.
decomposition is simultaneously recomposition. as per the principle of conservation of energy. a break somewhere necessitates a re-connection elsewhere. and life will go on... until a body is no longer able to make connections that augments its capacity to endure. until the composition of its energy can decompose no further, until it is no longer able to flow.
the phenomenon we perceive from this side of life as ‘death’ occurs when a thing no longer flows, when it no longer has the capacity to be affected, when it stops being re-composed, when it can no longer be remixed. so long as the remix lives, life itself endures.