“If bio-diversity is thought good for other species and for the global ecosystem, why not for the human speicies and its bio-cultural ecosystems?”
– Lucius outlaw, on race and philosophy



...but i flow is a creative photojournalistic series that shares the stories of 'mixed subjects', those who are rooted...but flow (virginia woolf). this project is an intimately collaborative effort between artist and subject to creatively honor, respect, and express the unique stories of mixed subjects on film.

being[MXD]- a person who does not identify one's self relative to monological categories or terms of pejorative difference. mixed subjects are those whose sense of self is not indexed to an organizing principle. there are no categories by which they could be easily identified, they are resistant to being forced into ideological boxes– to enforce a label upon them would only be to misunderstand them, and to concede one's limited worldview. being mixed is not an identity position; rather, it is an expression of  those who are in perpetual flows and shifts between a multiplicity of personas, positions, or points of interconnection.

...but i flow shares the complex and diverse stories of mixed subjects frame by frame in an attempt to slow down the intensity of their movements and flows between dominant identity markers. being aware that it is impossible, each frame attempts to capture a different persona inherent to the mixed subject. clarity and sharpness will be of no use here; rather, images may have a sense of mystery and ambiguity to them. the series of photos will begin as such and as we learn more about the subject, the images begin to come into focus until finally the last frame is a 'self portrait' that declares boldly and irreverently, "this is who i will have been"– suggesting that by time we reach the end, the subject has already moved on, eluding objectification. hence, "...but i flow".

if you are a mixed or know someone who is that would like to participate in this project please don't hesitate to contact us.